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Product Marketing Manager
Iryna Wagner is Product Marketing Manager at WhatsApp in London, where she works on building Conversational Commerce, with the role spanning from shaping the products all the way to landing them in the markets across the world. Prior to WhatsApp, she worked at Microsoft in Seattle, driving adoption of Microsoft Teams and designing marketing initiatives at scale. Iryna pivoted into Big Tech after spending 12 years building career in consumer goods advertising and marketing.
17 May 2024 11:00 - 11:45
Panel: Shaping your PMM career with intention
PMM experts will share their insights on proactive strategies for PMMs to mould their positions within their companies to both drive organisational change and fuel their own passions. From navigating evolving responsibilities to influencing cross-functional collaborations, the discussion provides a roadmap for professionals aiming to redefine and expand their roles in ways such as: - Proactive positioning: Take initiative in understanding evolving industry trends and business needs to position yourself as a strategic contributor, ensuring your PMM role aligns with organizational objectives. - Effective cross-functional collaboration: Build strong relationships with teams beyond marketing, fostering collaboration and ensuring a holistic approach to product marketing that resonates across departments. - Continuous learning and adaptation: Embrace a mindset of continuous learning, staying attuned to market dynamics, and adapting your PMM role to align with emerging trends, technologies, and customer demands.