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Director of Product Marketing
Simon Data
Zack has worn a lot of hats in his career and tried a lot of things, but the one thing that has tied his career together is storytelling. More importantly, storytelling that drives revenue. As an evangelist, he uses the power of storytelling daily to create content, videos, webinars, presentations, speaking engagements, and more. His passion is to simplify and share complex ideas and inspiration that he has picked up from his 20 years in marketing, sales, product marketing, and technology.
25 May 2023 11:30 - 12:00
The storytellers edge: learn the secrets to crafting compelling stories that work
It's no secret stories are powerful, but this isn't just another session on how we need to use more stories. Instead, we will go deep into the story frameworks and tools to help you craft stories that win (way more than any slot machine). These are the tricks I’ve learned and complied from Hollywood, Vegas Shows, Improv, Stand-up Comedy, and even a psychologist or two, so you can immediately build a better narrative and unlock the power of stories for your entire organization.

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