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Senior Product Marketing Manager
Roy Rosell is a Ted Lasso-esque soccer coach, owner of two bunnies (well, they own him), Bourdain inspired food traveler who should probably be saving more for a house, published author who loves stories and storytelling, and a Product Marketing leader who has helped launch some really awesome stuff across industries like Security, Logistics, Mobile Apps, and Sports.
24 May 2023 12:00 - 12:30
Please like me! A guide for product marketers to earn sales’ respect
Marketing has a credibility gap. “You don’t live by the quota. You don’t get it.” This isn’t just a Product Marketers <-> Sales problem. It’s human nature to trust those who know our struggle, and distrust/downplay those who don’t. One popular suggestion to product marketers is “go work in sales for a while.” Most of us don’t have this luxury. In this chat, we’ll discuss tactics Product Marketers can use to build a healthy and productive relationship with Sales.

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