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Global Product Marketing Lead
Stuart is most known for bringing infectious enthusiasm to teams and clarity to product and marketing. From his early vantage point as a frontline salesperson to the office of a Fortune 20 CEO, Stuart has created new product categories and disrupted established categories. He's launched dozens of products and hundreds of capabilities which have grown to global businesses, brands, and audiences. Stuart has established a reputation for elevating the role of customers across organizations. As a leader, his peers say he models a higher level of care and coaching for people. He is driven to enable people to create, connect, and dream beyond the confines of yesterday’s technology.
12 June 2024 11:15 - 12:00
Panel: Getting to the heart of customer needs
Learn how to decipher the underlying motivations driving consumer decisions and leverage this knowledge to inform the product roadmap. Join this session to explore the heart of customer needs and unlock the key to sustainable business success.
12 June 2024 14:45 - 15:15
Storytelling and the pursuit of customer truth
One of the roles you hold as a product marketer is serving as an organization's chief storyteller. At best, the stories you tell embed themselves into the very fabric of the products you make, the marketing artifacts you deliver, and the hearts and minds of the people you look to serve. And yet, too often, they don’t stick. What separates great stories from good is how deeply they’re grounded in customer truth — foundational, human needs of the audiences we look to serve. Together, you’ll explore examples of customer truth in action — through real-world examples from Microsoft and Meta — and define principles which can serve a focal point for people-centric storytelling.