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Vice President of Product Marketing
Engineer by training and a storyteller by heart. Sahil's superpower is B2B SaaS marketing for high-growth businesses. He feels privileged to have learned from the best marketing teams at SaaS leaders like Betterup, Klaviyo, Qualtrics, and Microsoft. Sahil has deep experience in both PLG and sales-led growth, with the ability to successfully stitch both types of GTM motions. He has helped rebrand products, uplevel demand-gen, simplify messaging, modernize pricing, build winning sales plays, deliver launch keynotes, and led analyst briefings. He has experience across all segments - micro SMB, SMB, mid-market, and enterprise, with both technical and non-technical buyers. He has also hired, coached, and learned from high-performing and diverse teams.
13 June 2024 14:00 - 14:30
PMM level-up: Tips for elevating your product marketing craft and career
You know how to do good launches, enablement, messaging and campaigns. But 2024 is about moving from good to great. Learn how to uplevel your approach to product marketing with better storytelling, collaboration and customer-centricity. Learn practical tips and tricks all told with practical examples and engaging stories.