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Chief Marketing Officer
Jamie Gier is a 3-time CMO with more than 25 years of experience in growth marketing. As CMO of DexCare, she is responsible for accelerating market expansion and brand value through effective go-to-market strategies, product positioning, and customer advocacy programs. Jamie has worked with industry leaders who drive positive social impact, including Microsoft, GE, and DreamBox Learning, finding their most compelling stories and telling them in the most powerful way.
12 June 2024 15:45 - 16:15
Looking beyond the glass ceiling and making your career work for you
From tech to healthcare, we know there is a glass ceiling in these industries dominated by men in leadership. With only 52 women for every 100 men getting promoted to manager, women hold only 1-in-4 leadership positions at tech companies. With over 20 years of experience in healthcare and tech, Jamie will share how she climbed the ranks to the C-suite all while being a single mother. She can share challenges she faced, how she overcame them, and how others in marketing and tech can learn from them.